Donald Trump, despite his many controversies, the latest being his criticism of John McCain for his capture in Vietnam, continues to gain a greater lead in polls against the other GOP candidates.
According to the Washington Post, regarding the Washington Post-ABC News poll to which this refers:
Support for Trump fell sharply on the one night that voters were surveyed following those comments. Telephone interviewing for the poll began Thursday, and most calls were completed before the news about the remarks was widely reported.
Although the sample size for the final day was small, the decline was statistically significant. Still, it is difficult to predict what could happen to Trump’s support in the coming days and weeks as the controversy plays out.
Despite this drop, Trump still led with 24%, a sixfold increase since his declared candidacy in May, and nearly double the second place in this poll, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at 13%, who declared his candidacy last week. Jeb Bush followed with 12%. Scott Walker polled strongest among citizens who identify themselves as “very conservative”. The trailing seven other candidates are in the following order: Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, and Chris Christie. Their poll numbers range from 8% to 3%.
These numbers are staggering, and there are still 6 other Republican candidates with even lower numbers and less name recognition.
Meanwhile for the Democrats, Hillary Rodham Clinton maintains a 68%, with the enthusiastic Bernie Sanders holding 16%, Jim Webb at 5%, Martin O’Malley at 2% and Lincoln Chafee at a mere 1%.