Finding the best and safest way for you and your family to eat is always a top priority. People hear all of the time today about different foods that are unhealthy or ones that you should try to stay away from. Today it seems like there are more foods to fear than ones you can actually eat. It is good to know there are still a great number of healthy options out there for you that can provide you with the nourishment you need and help to promote good health in your body. Here are the top fifteen healthy foods that you should be eating.
15. Wild Salmon
There are a number of reasons you should look into eating fish, but a large number of fish today have very high levels of mercury in them, making them less than healthy for you to eat and perhaps even potentially dangerous. Salmon does not fall into this category. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids for heart health, is high in protein and low in calories. Wild salmon is better than farm-raised as farm-raised are exposed to more antibiotics and potential illnesses.
14. Blueberries
Blueberries have been labeled as a super food and are essential to any type of healthy diet. They are rich in antioxidants to keep you healthy and are great as an anti-inflammatory. Just half a cup a day, mixed in with things like yogurt or oatmeal or just eaten plain can help to provide you with the health and nutrition you need for the day.
13. Yogurt
Yogurt is filled with what has become known as the “good” bacteria that it is in your body to help you with digestive health. Yogurt is filled with many vitamins and nutrients and is rich in calcium, vitamin B and potassium. The only thing you need to be careful about with yogurt is to look closely at the labels of the brand you are buying. Many brands contain a great deal of sugar, so you want to be careful in your choices.
12. Egg Whites
While a whole egg, with the yolk, does not contain a great deal of calories by itself (only about 70 or 80), the yolk is very high in cholesterol, making it unhealthy for you. You can cut back on calories and eliminate the cholesterol risk just by having the whites for your egg in the morning and get all the protein you need just from them.
11. Leafy Greens
You have probably been hearing about the virtues of leafy greens since you were a child and everything your mother said is true about them. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale and cabbage are filled with vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. Many are known for helping to lower cancer risks and are loaded with iron and vitamin K.
10. Black Beans
Beans are a great source of protein, particularly if you are looking to cut back on the amount of red meat that you eat. They are very high in fiber (which is a good thing for digestive health and colon health) and rich in iron, calcium and folic acid. You can make a big batch of black beans at the start of your week and incorporate them into nearly any type of meal.
9. Almonds
Also considered one of the super foods today, almonds can be the ideal snack for you because they are healthy in every way. They contain just what you need to help lower your bad cholesterol levels, reducing any coronary risks that you may have. Studies also indicate that they may help in losing weight as well, so have a handful for a snack when hungry.
8. Tomatoes
The key point to remember about tomatoes is that they contain lycopene, which is thought to help in the prevention of certain types of cancers. The nutrients found in tomatoes also help to lower your cholesterol levels, lower your blood pressure and promote healthy skin, hair and nails. Whether you eat slices of tomato or eat tomato sauce (again, check labels if you buy jarred; many are high in sugar) you can get the valuable nutrients you need.
7. Orange Juice
Drinking a glass of orange juice is a great way to get calcium, potassium, vitamin C and even omega-3s into your body without having to eat anything. It has also shown in studies that it can help to increase the levels of your “good” cholesterol. Make sure you look for brands that are low in sugar and fresh-squeezed so you can get the most benefits.
6. Apples
Having apples often enough really can help you to keep the doctor away since they are so rich in fiber, which can help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol and reduce coronary risks. Apples also have boron, a mineral that is important in developing and maintaining healthy bones.
5. Wheat Germ
Not everyone has tried it but wheat germ has many vitamins and minerals that can help you. Rich in magnesium to help your bones, wheat germ also has high levels of fiber, calcium, iron, zinc and potassium to help keep you healthy.
4. Hot Peppers
While you may not be a big fan of the heat, hot peppers have great health benefits that many cultures in Africa and South America have known for centuries. Loaded with vitamin C, hot peppers are also a great anti-inflammatory and can help in reducing pain.
3. Pomegranates
It is only until recently that pomegranates have become very popular, but the seeds and juice have always been very healthy for you. You will get a great deal of antioxidants and tannins from the fruit to help with your heart health, lower your cholesterol and improve circulation and blood flow. Research shows it may even help in lowering the risks of cancers.
2. Sweet Potatoes
Another one of the super foods found today, sweet potatoes are loaded with beta carotene. In fact, one sweet potato can give you five times the recommended amount your body needs for the day. You will have healthier skin, improve your immune system and get a boost from all of the vitamins and minerals found in sweet potatoes.
1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal with fresh blueberries
Doctors today cannot stress enough how much oatmeal can benefit you. It is known to lower your cholesterol levels while also giving you heavy doses of vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium and vitamin E. Having oatmeal for breakfast each day can make a big difference in your heart health and overall health.