BY KEVIN SAWYER – The American public school system has taken many a hit since 1980 when the system changed. Many rail against the inadequacies of a public education in this country. Prior to 1980, public schools in this country were different. They taught different things in different ways and it seemed that people were the better for it. These days, everything is “dumbed down”, as they say, to it’s most simplistic form.
Here is a final exam from 1912 given to all 8th grade students in Bullitt County, Kentucky. Looking at it shows the huge disparity between what public education was 100 years ago and what it is today. Most education experts and analysts say that the new system, brought in at the end of the 1970’s doesn’t teach children how to think or to problem solve. Even today’s average college education will be hard pressed to turn out graduates who could even pass this 1912 8th grade final.
So, think you’re educated? Here is the exam. Good luck!