BY KEVIN SAWYER – Ah, the lure of starting your own company. People, it seems, will pay for just about anything these days. Even if it is supposed that the old business wisdom of filling a need applies here, you really won’t believe that these companies really exist. Here is just a small collection of what just may be the strangest and most bizarre companies you will ever come across.
Rent A Paparazzi

Feeling like a nobody? No problem because this company will send a wild pack of photographers and hangers on to follow you around relentlessly for the day so you can have people scratching their heads wondering who the heck you are! The basic package goes for $525 while the full blown Celebrity package will run you a cool $1150 for the day.
The Ear Cleaning Salon

In Japan, they actually have ear cleaning salons for people that just can’t seem to get around to it.
Famous Death Row Meals

There is a company in Toronto called Last Meals Delivery Service that lets you order any meal ever served to an executed prisoner in both Canada and the United States. For a mere $20 you not only get the meal but a mask of the executed convict as well as a DVD about them.
Taxidermy for your beloved bicycle

A guy in London runs a taxidermy service for bicycles. Really! He calls it “The lasting and loving solution to your mechanical bereavement.”
Rent A Grandma

This company in Australia,, knows of the pressures of modern day living. If you just can’t do everything, you can rent a mature and experienced grandma to help out with the shopping, the child care and the house cleaning.
Riding the Hangover Bus

The company is in New York City and is called The Hangover Club and every Sunday their hangover bus stops at certain locations throughout the city. If you get on, you get an IV nutri-drip that will have you back to your old self in no time. Prices start at $129.
Hire someone to apologize or you

Once again, the Japanese may lead the world in thinking up the most bizarre businesses ever. It’s called Apologies for Hire and you can pay someone to go and make an apology for you. They operate 24/7. An apology made to someone’s face goes for $240 while a phone or email apology will only run you $96.
Naked temps for hire

One enterprising company in South Africa will send you naked temp workers. Right now, their naked accountants are the most in demand but they also have computer repair people, yoga instructors and legal professionals too. The company believes that the work day shouldn’t have to be so boring.
PHOTO CREDITS: Martian Herald