BY KEVIN SAWYER – There is a great deal of scientific research being done with regard to the qualities a person will display that will immediately repulse the opportunity for a romantic relationship. While it may be rather difficult to pin down exactly those attributes that makes some one attractive to you, it, apparently, is not much of a stretch to come up with those qualities that repel both men and women equally when it comes to considering if some one is attractive.
You look tired…
A lack of sleep. sleep deprivation specifically, is not an attractive quality in anyone. A study out of Sweden in 2010 found that sleep deprived people didn’t look healthy to anyone who observed them and they were considered far less attractive than people who looked well rested. The study said that sleep related facial cues were important to determining attractiveness.
Mean people suck…
Being mean, or being perceived to be mean, is one quality that seemed to be a universal turn off for both males and females. Except, of course, or the mean people. A Chinese study in 2014 took 60 men and 60 women and showed them photographs of both males and females. The research recorded how people felt about the people in the photos. Turns out that we can get a sense of someone’s mean-ness just by looking at their face. We can feel it even if their facial expressions try and say otherwise.
Happy and proud of it…
In a research study in 2011, 1,000 people photos of people being happy, feeling shamed and feeling prideful. The results they found seemed rather unexpected. Turns out, females didn’t find happiness attractive in males but found them attractive when they were proud. Pride was found to be a major turn off for the men when it was shown by the women while happiness in women was most attractive to the males. Male shame was even more attractive to the women while female shame was equally attractive to the males.
Lying, laziness and body odor…
Dishonesty, or lying, seemed to be highly unattractive to everyone. No big shock here. Humans have a bit of a love/hate relationship with lying. Everyone does it but everyone, for the most part, equally hates it. Being lazy and without any sort of ambition is considered to be unattractive by both males and females and body odor was a sign of sloth, deception and a lack of confidence or self esteem. Both sexes avoided anyone who smelled badly in several research studies.