Sure, everyone knows those giant blockbuster films that rake in a cool billion worldwide at the box office. Many people even know of the great films that Hollywood actually occasionally produces during a given year. But, how many of us remember the truly awful movies? The one’s that lost so much money that some studios never recovered? One thing to keep in mind is even though the box office take may have been higher than the projected budget, a movie can still lose money in countless ways and never show a profit. That’s the magic of Hollywood accounting. All figures come from the studios.
Well, here they are. The worst of the worst:
17. Town & Country (2001)

Budget: $90 million
Box Office Take: $10,372,291
Money Lost: $84,813,855
This was billed as one of those romantic comedies that almost always ends up being neither romantic or funny. It had a cast of veterans like Warren Beatty, Goldie Hawn, Jenna Elfman, and Diane Keaton. But alas, such combined talent went to waste once again. It was choppy, confusing and the characters were all so rich that the average moviegoer couldn’t possibly relate to any of them.
16. Treasure Planet (2002)

Budget: $140 million
Box Office Take: $109,578,115
Money Lost: $85,210,943
This was, indeed, a rarity; a bad Disney movie that actually lost money. Disney has made their fair share of terrible movies but they always made money because no one reads reviews. They just go. Disney laughs all the way to the bank every time.
15. Evan Almighty (2007)

Budget: $175 million
Box Office Take: $173,418,781
Money Lost: $88,290,610
While some actually did find this movie hilarious, it was, for the most part, a waste of Morgan Freeman and Steve Carell. The associated costs of the film were enormous, thus the epic losses. There was no profit to be had for studio or moviegoer.
14. Cutthroat Island (1995)

Budget: $200 million
Box Office Take: $219,851,172
Money Lost: $90,074,414
Even though it made more than what was budgeted, all of the other associated costs cost the studio nearly $100 million. Even a young Geena Davis couldn’t save it. Again, no profit at all.
13. Green Lantern (2011)

Budget: $200 million
Box Office Take: $291, 851,172
Money Lost $90,074,414
Even by the weak standards of most superhero movies, this one was a real horror show. Even the comic book geeks hated it.
12. The Alamo (2004)

Budget: $107 million
Box Office Take: $25,819,961
Money Lost: $94,090,020
Another disaster of a re-make. Why does Hollywood insist on making movies that have already been made and done? Few re-makes are any good. Not enough good books coming out every year?
11. The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

Budget: $100 million
Box Office Take: $7,103,973
Money Lost: $96,448,014
Aside from Trading Places, 48 Hours, and, maybe A Vampire in Brooklyn, every movie Murphy has made has been pretty much a disaster. This one, though, really took the proverbial cake. They kept trying to cast him as a leading man when he just could never carry a picture. His strength was always as a supporting character.
10. Stealth (2005)

Budget: $135 million
Box Office Take: $76,932,872
Money Lost: $96,533,564
As usual, another movie with no imagination but Hollywood really doesn’t have to make good or great movies because people will, pretty much, go and see anything. This was predictable, extremely loud, poorly acted and a movie that had already been done a gazillion times before.
9. Sahara (2005)

Budget: $160 million
Box Office Take: $119.269,486
Money Lost: $100,365,257
Once again, Matthew McConaughey wastes his talent and his time. A ridiculous premise, and about as mindless a movie as has come along in a while.
8. Jack The Giant Slayer (2013)

Budget: $200 million
Box Office Take: $197,687,603
Money Lost: $101,156,199
Once again, most people will go and watch anything. Boring and no character depth as, once again, Hollywood thinks it can create something of worth from a bad story with spectacular visual affects.
7. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)

Budget: $145 million
Box Office Take: $85,131,830
Money Lost: $102,434,085
Dull, boring, really hard to watch if you even sat through it. Once again, visuals and computer driven animation can’t save a story with no characters and no reasonable plot.
6. John Carter (2012)

Budget: $250 million
Box Office Take: $282,778,100
Money Lost: $100,610,950
The characters and the plot get lost in the visuals to the point where even the Edgar Rice Burroughs fans didn’t care for it.
5. R.I.P.D (2013)

Budget: $154 million
Box Office Take: $78,324,220
Money Lost: $114,837,890
OMG! Once again, a waste of talent in the likes of Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges but it was a formula plot that had been done a thousand times to abject failure and was made for the level of a 12 year old boy.
4. The Lone Ranger (2013)

Budget $250 million
Box Office Take: $260,502,115
Money Lost: $119,748,943
Again, another waste of talent. Especially with Depp who just may be the greatest actor of his generation. The director tried to make up for an overly long film with a boring script with ridiculous action sequences.
3. The 13th Warrior (1999)

Budget: $160 million
Box Office Take: $61,989,899
Money Lost: $129,150,551
Not much to say here. The guy who did this did Jurassic Park. Hard to believe. Once again, it had potential. Had the atmosphere, the set and great costumes but they just couldn’t overcome a weak script.
2. Mars Needs Moms (2011)

Budget: $150 million
Box Office Take: $38,992,758
Money Lost: $130,503,621
Another direct Disney bomb that doesn’t happen often even if the film is an actual stink bomb like this one was. The critics felt that it lacked a certain emotional center and was not as imaginative as we have come to expect from Disney.
1. 47 Ronin

Budget: $225 million
Box Office Take: $150,962,475
Money Lost: $149,518,762
While not entirely Keanu Reeves’ fault, too many filmmakers have relied on him to carry a picture and he can’t. Few actor and actresses can carry a movie. Anyway, one dimensional characters and just plain old boring and listless made this the number one loser of all time. How can a company lose $150 million and still be in business? Well, I guess that’s show biz!