Bretagne, a golden retriever from Texas, is the last surviving 9/11 rescue dog. She was 1 of 100 search and rescue dogs deployed in Ground Zero. Bretagne celebrates her 16th birthday.
“We were there to try to find survivors,” Bretagne‘s owner and handler Denise Corliss recalled to BarkPost. “And when our task force arrived in Ground Zero, I just couldn’t believe the magnitude of it. Then I looked down to her, and she seemed stoic and ready to work.”
BarkPost partnered with 1 Hotels to provide Bretagne with a day of celebration in New York City. The day, called “Dog’s Best Day,” was part of an on-going series from BarkPost that celebrates deserving dogs.
BarkPost describes itself as a company dedicated to making dogs happy.
Both Corliss and Bretagne had a very special day in NYC. Bretagne toured the city and was treated like a true hero. Starting from a suite overlooking Central Park, Bretagne then visited Time Square to see a personalized message to her on a billboard, and received the doggie “Keys to the City”. She was then met by her former teammates from Search and Rescue for surprise party.
Bretagne volunteers at school programs now and helps children learn to read.