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Netflix employees to receive “unlimited” paid maternity/paternity leave

The U.S. is often criticized for the lack of paid maternity leave in companies throughout the country.

Last year, only 39% of employees were able to take any sort of paid family leave. A White House report stated,”even when unpaid leave is available, workers may be unable or unwilling to forego lost wages.”

President Obama has labelled this as a “national economic priority”.

Netflix announced news on Tuesday that goes against that grain.

They will give new parents “unlimited” time off during their first year of having (or adopting a new baby)–that’s right maternal and paternal leave.

Employees will continue to make a salary during their time off, as well have leeway in re-entry. They can work “part-time, full-time, or return and then go back out as needed.”

“We want employees to have the flexibility and confidence to balance the needs of their growing families without worrying about work or finances,” the Netflix statement said.

This would eliminate the issues that employees would have in applying for disability– something many companies require as part of their parental leave processes.

Netflix already is lenient about tracking employee’s vacation time–even though it’s not considered “unlimited”.

Thanks, Neflix!