BY KEVIN SAWYER – Once again it is Monday which means HipDaily takes a look at what happened in the rest of the world last week. So, without any further ado, here are some dramatic photos of a few things that happened last week in the rest of the world…

A horrifying 6.2 magnitude earthquake devastated Italy last week leaving 250 dead and nearly 400 severely wounded.

Relatives mourn the deaths of 15 people who were murdered by a homicide bomber let loose on a wedding in Turkey by the Islamic State.

An excited Nuan Nuan celebrates her one year old birthday at her home at the national zoo in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

A little child leads a celebration in Bangladesh in honor of the birthday of the great Hindu god, Krishna.

A child waits for a doctor after yet another terrifying airstrike as the civil war in Syria continues to rage with no end in sight.

Thailand’s bomb squad checks out a car bomb that exploded at a hotel in downtown Pattani, Thailand. A least one person is dead and over 30 are wounded.

The World Tango Championships are being held in Buenos Ares. Nearly 500 couples from around the world are participating.

Soldiers of the army of the African nation of the Congo take care of a protester. Protests have been waged recently as the citizenry seeks to stop the government from randomly murdering people.

The upcoming presidential election in Zimbabwe has a bit of a different feel from the upcoming presidential election in the United States of America.