BY KEVIN SAWYER – Once again it is Monday which means HipDaily takes a look at what happened in parts of the rest of the world last week. So, without any further adieu, as the French say, here are some dramatic photos of a few things that happened last week in the rest of the world…

A powerful typhoon continues to besiege southern China and Hong Kong. This man was thrown from a bridge by a gigantic tidal wave and landed in a sea of rushing water and mud.

The magnificent mountain volcano of Mount Sahurajima in Japan erupted last week triggering a massive thunderstorm.

The civil war in Syria continues to rage on with no end in site. Air strikes continue to plague Damascus as well as the entire country.

The Dublin Horse Show happened last week in Ireland. Apparently, the Dublin show is a little more informal than most.

Bullfighting season has begun in Spain as a matador in Madrid thrills thousands of Spaniards enjoying their national sport.

His name is Satochi Uematsu of Japan. Last week he began to fulfill his dream of ridding the world of disabled people. He murdered 19 people at an assisted living facility by stabbing them to death.