BY KEVIN SAWYER – Once again it is Monday which means HipDaily takes a look at what happened in the rest of the world last week. So, without any further ado, here are some dramatic photos of a few things that happened last week in the rest of the world…

Last week, all sides in the six year long civil war in Syria called for a cease fire. Before the cease fire went into place, however, forces loyal to the current Syrian government carried out some final horrific air attacks.

A young girl and a soldier dressed in full riot gear stare one another down during a protest in Santiago, Chile. The protest decried the 1973 coup that deposed the elected president and led to a 17 year vicious reign by the Chilean military.

A koala seeks to escape the raging storms and flood waters that has been plaguing much of southern Australia of late.

A boiler explosion at a factory in Bangladesh left at least 15 dead and over 70 others severely injured.

A five month old baby girl orangutan plays within sight of her mother in Spain. Orangutan’s are extremely endangered and they may all be gone within five years.

Even in the midst of violence, chaos, and a raging war over water in India, it seems there is always time for a Facebook update.

Deciding they needed a change of pace from their regular yoga studio, this group of yoga practitioners in Hunan, China took their practice to some place they wouldn’t normally go.