BY KEVIN SAWYER – Once again it is Monday which means HipDaily takes a look at what happened in the rest of the world last week. So, without any further ado, here are some dramatic photos of a few things that happened last week in the rest of the world…

An animal shelter in Venezuela simply can’t keep up with the amount of pets being dropped off. Venezuelans are so desperate to feed themselves that they just can’t afford to feed their pets any longer.

The Russian Soyuz capsule lands in Kazakhstan bringing home the crew of the International Space Station.

Residents of a Kabul apartment complex check out the damage done by a recent car bomb that exploded in front of their building.

Every year, Londoners celebrate and remember the Great London Fire of 1666. A nearly 400 foot replica of 1666 London is towed out onto the Thames River and set ablaze.

Ukrainian soldiers take a break from a war that has been raging since 2014 and has killed nearly 10,000 so far. Everyone is weary of the war but no one is hopeful that it will soon end.

The Hindu goddesses Ganesha lay submerged in a pond during a celebration in Mumbai. For Hindus, if one prays to the goddesses Ganesha, all obstacles will be removed from your life.