“Look at this crappy place–they just need to burn it down.”
Imagine that you’re a 75 year old man and you hear teens saying this about your home. Not even caring that you can hear what they have to say.
Apparently, that’s all that Leornard Bullock’s neighbor,Josh Cyganik, could do as he remembered the look on the old man’s face.
“I saw him put his head down and it was clear he was upset,” Cyganik told TODAY.com. “I thought about saying something to the boys, but sometimes anger is better left unsaid and I took a different course of action that ended up paying off more so than if I yelled at them.”
The only contact the two have really had is a morning wave shared between the two over the last four years.
After this incident, Cyganik walked across the street, introduced him, and gave Bullock some good news. He was getting a home makeover!
He gather volunteers who would help paint Bullock’s house.
Cyganik asked for permission and the elderly man was touched, said he’d love it, and that he was grateful that someone wanted to help him.
Cyganik hit up Facebook, using a status update to recruit volunteers. Fortunately, hi friend works at Tum-a-Lum Lumber store and was able to donate the paint.
The post worked its magic and on July 18th, hundreds of volunteers showed up to help.
Cyganik said he couldn’t believe the turnout.
“I stopped counting at 95 because I couldn’t keep up, but it ended up being well over that.”
Those who couldn’t make it but still wanted to help sent water and food to the house. Some even made generous donations to Bullock and his wife, who both sat in lawn chairs and watched their house’s transformation.”

Volunteers from all over the country showed up to help with Cyganik’s project.
Photo Source:
Josh Cyganik
Cyganik says there’s more to be done, but that Bullock and his wife are happy with the improvement.