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Did this Utah man find a Bigfoot skull?


A man living in Ogden, Utah, has claimed that an object he discovered on a hike back in 2013 is an actual skull from a Bigfoot creature. Bigfoots have been seen all around the world and they are described a giant creatures that stand 8-10 feet tall, are extremely hairy and resemble certain apes that live on Earth. The skull object weighs in at 75 pounds.

Todd May, who found the skull, stated that this may be the proof that the creatures do exist. Many people have seen these creatures and many have had direct experiences with them. While a verified skull would be serious and important evidence, it is certainly not definitive proof. The giant panda was not seen by a Westerner in the wild until 1916. Would anyone today say that panda’s are “mythical creatures”?


May is a self declared Bigfoot enthusiast and has claimed to have had at least two encounters with one of the creatures. He said the first time he saw one on the wild it was rather a shock. He said it greatly resembled apes he had seen at the zoos. That first time, he said they made eye contact and then the creature just simply vanished into the woods.

May had frequented a particular spot on his hikes that have some hot springs located there. He said the second time he saw one he was stopped in this hot springs area when someone, or something, began throwing rocks at him. This was a year later and at night. He went out with a flashlight and saw the reddish fur of the giant creature. May said he heard one of his fellow campers scream and when he shined the light, there stood the creature just staring at him. They locked eyes for a moment and then the Bigfoot just wandered off again.

May states that the skull he found looks just like the Bigfoot creatures he had previously encountered. A geoscientist at a university in Kansas has examined the thing and claims that is is just a large rock and that it contains none of the features that some one would normally find and examine on a fossilized skull.