Demi Lovato’s nude, makeup-free photo shoot for Vanity Fair has received an outpouring of support. It was intended to be a statement on self-confidence and body positivity, an issue Lovato has long spoken out about. She’s been public about her own struggles with eating disorders and self-harm.
The hashtag #WeAreProudofYouDemi quickly began trending on Twitter following the release of the photos, and in response the “Cool for the Summer” singer posted:
The candid and unretouched photos of Demi were taken by photographer Patrick Ecclesine only a day after the death of her great-grandfather, Buddy Moore. The singer was understandably emotional during the shoot, but the collection of photos conveys her new, strong confident state of mind. Her new album, aptly titled “Confident”, is dropping October 16th.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past week, it’s that life is so short. You have to act upon your instinct and do what makes you happy,” she told Vanity Fair. “It feels good to be real. It feels liberating to be free. And I’ve never had an album that better represents who I am.”
Hip Daily will be holding a giveaway of 5 copies of Demi’s new Confident album! Readers are require to have liked our Facebook page (
Send an email to with the subject line “Confident” from the email associated with your Facebook account to enter the contest. Winners(selected randomly) will be announced on October 15th via our Facebook page, and the winner will have the option of receiving the album as a gift from iTunes or Amazon on October 16th, the official release date of the album.