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Child diagnosed with brain tumor surprised by call from “Princess Anna”

Never mind your annoyance at hearing a certain song for the umpteenth time. Come on, just let it go!

Last week, young Frozen fan Avery Huffman, who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, received a call from actress Kristen Bell, a.k.a. Princess Anna.

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Avery was delighted as Anna conveyed a special message from her sister Elsa.

The message: Avery is now an honorary princess of Arendelle too!

“She’s heard that you’ve been such a good girl and have been so brave that she’s decided to crown you an honorary princess. . .”

Bell then named out Avery’s brothers and sisters and sent them a message as well as she signed off, on her way to build a snowman with everybody’s favorite summer lover, Olaf.

Avery’s father had a work connection that had connections to Bell and had helped in having her to call.

Anna is Avery’s favorite character.

Avery’s father blogged:

“Avery couldn’t stop talking about it and was so excited to have her sisters and brother hear it.

Despite being incredibly busy, Kristen Bell took the time to make a little 6-year old girl’s day.”

Frozen blog (Caringbridge)

Avery has a long battle ahead.