BY KEVIN SAWYER – A British woman living in Leicestershire, England, claims that her house has been haunted by the spirit of the notorious serial killer, Jack the Ripper. Gaynor Issit, 58, has been living in her home for decades and has raised her three children there and says that Jack, and other violent and aggressive spirits, have been terrorizing her and her family for many years.
A murderer who was dubbed “Jack the Ripper” terrorized the Whitechapel section of London during 1888 and is said to have brutally murdered and dismembered at least 11 women. She claims that there are others there in the house also. She talks of the many times she has been physically attacked by these spirits and even being dragged from her bed in the dead of night and severely beaten. In the morning, she even has the physical bruises to show for it.

Gaynor shows some of her bruises and the entity can be seen in the top right hand side of the the photo
She has tried to have them removed. She went to the Catholic Christians and asked them to send someone. They were sent but they were unable to remove The Ripper or any of the other entities from her home. The Ripper, and the others, she says, have started countless fires and continue to batter her on a regular basis. Several times the entities have burned Bibles she has stored in her home.
“I’ve literally been dragged out of my bed by my ankles,” said Gaynor, “punched all over and whacked around the head. The ghosts have been here for as long as I have lived here. The man that lived here before me said they were here, too, much before me.”
For some reason unknown to Gaynor, the month of September seems to bring out the strongest of their energy. This is usually the month when the attacks pick up in severity and frequency. Mark Vernon, a local paranormal investigator, believes her claims and has seen the evidence. In the world of paranormal investigations, Gaynor’s house is considered to be one of the five most spectacular and credible, haunted houses in all of England.
Vernon also believes that it is, indeed, Jack the Ripper even though that murder case was never solved and the identity of the serial killer never determined. “I feel sorry for what she has gone through,” he said. “I have never been in a house that has had so much activity going on.”
Gaynor says that The Ripper can appear to her in a whispy sort of energy and he has been captured on film (Seen in the photo at the top of this story and to the right of the frame). She claims he has started many fires in which he has burned photographs and furniture. He especially targets the heads of family members in the photographs for his burnings.

A photo of Gaynor and her significant other, Andrew. She says that The Ripper burned it one night in a furious attack.
Gaynor says that she and her partner, Andrew Belton, 43, will never move out and that, “He has started so many fires that I have to keep buckets of water everywhere. He physically attacks me and I have been left with bruises in the past. We’ve also heard growling noises and my partner has seen apparitions of a man, a woman, and a little girl around the house. We haven’t spoke directly to them but we have recorded them swearing and threatening and say that they are going to murder someone. One in particular is very violent and aggressive.”
Gaynor and her partner have no plans to move out of their beloved home that she has lived in since her grown children were little. She says that they refused to be frightened and bullied and will hang in there until an answer can be found regarding how to rid her home of these entities.
PHOTO CREDITS: The Daily Express (London)