BY KEVIN SAWYER – A British doctor has laid claim to ownership of Mars. He has a website where people can go to buy a ten acre plot of the Red Planet for just a penny. That’s right, you can own ten acres on Mars for one cent. Competition, it seems, is rather cutthroat. If he sells every available piece of land at a penny for ten acres, he will end up with a cool $35.8 million in his pocket.
Dr. Phil Davies, 49, lives in Hampshire, England, and says that his legal claim is so sound that he expects the United Nations to ratify and approve it some time next year. The good doctor seems to think the United Nations has some manner of legal standing and force in the world. Until the great UN declaration comes, Dr. Davies has a website called where anyone can head out and buy a piece of Mars. So far, 1,100 people have bought in already bought 11,000 acres.
Dr. Davies states that he isn’t doing this for the cash but to try and protect outer space from land grabs and even nuclear weapons. They only “law” currently in place is the Outer Space Treaty which was created in 1967 to govern space exploration and space law, whatever that is. As of last year, however, 104 Earth countries have signed the treaty. Davies says the treaty is too old and outdated and that he is doing much of this to force change regarding the treaty.
Dr. Davies said that, “This is purely to tighten up the loose laws around ownership of land in space because at the moment we are allowed to do that and we should not have been allowed to do that. Ultimately, we will hand it (Mars) over to the United Nations. That is in our code of conduct.”
He claims that his legal defense of ownership will be extremely difficult to challenge in any court on Earth. He has based the legalities on current ownership law that governs such regions as the North Pole and Antarctica. In the meantime, he and his team, have been shooting high powered lasers at Mars in an effort to warm it up and to possibly ignite the release carbon dioxide.
At the moment, Dr. Davies is not the only human to lay claim to the Red Planet but, he believes, he is the only one with a soon to be established legal right to it.