Fox News released the results of the first major-outlet national poll since the first GOP debate from two weeks ago.
In comparison to the Fox poll released immediately before the debate, objectively the winner can be considered Ben Carson – the former neurosurgeon saw a five-point jump in his poll standings, a 71% increase over where he was two weeks ago.
Ted Cruz rose four points. Carly Fiorina, considered the winner of the undercard debate, gained three points meaning that she more than doubled her support.
Donald Trump remains on top, despite seeing a minor drop that can’t really be counted on to predict future trends. Jeb Bush, before one of the top contenders, has seen a drop after his weak debate performance and inability to address his opinions on invading Iraq.
Something notable is the fact that 42% of Republican voters’s support went to people who have never held elected office. Donald Trump (celebrity businessman), Carly Fiorina (former HP CEO), and Ben Carson (neurosurgeon) have seen a surprising amount of support.
Carson surges in the polls, but can he face Trump? - Hip Daily
Tuesday 18th of August 2015
[…] The retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon was mostly unknown and expected to not make a serious run at the White House. His seemingly lackluster GOP performance only met the low expectations. However, a Fox News poll shows that the GOP debate winner was Ben Carson, objectively. […]