In response to the Orlando murders, Anonymous infiltrated dozens of Twitter accounts owned by The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and took down their hate and replaced it with gay pride and LGBT love. Twitter, based in San Francisco, would not publicly state that the particular accounts had been hacked.
“We condemn the use of Twitter to promote terrorism,” the company said in a statement. “Since the middle of 2015, we have suspended over 125,000 accounts for threatening or promoting terrorist acts primarily related to ISIS.”
Anonymous member, Wauchula Ghost, was largely responsible for the attack and has been hacking into ISIS accounts since earlier in the year. As of now, the ISIS accounts now display the rainbow flags of gay pride as well as slogans and even a link or two to some gay porn sites. It seemed important to the group that they link ISIS to porn. It is something they know will infuriate them.
Back in June, Anonymous hackers took down ISIS Twitter accounts and replaced them all with pornography. The activist group also sends out tweets identifying the IP addresses used by ISIS. In the middle of this past June, Twitter took down the ISIS accounts after they had realized that Anonymous had hacked into them.
Wauchula Ghost claimed that he personally destroyed 258 ISIS Twitter accounts.
“I took screenshots of every account that I jacked,” Wachula Ghost said. ” Images are before and after they were jacked. Daesh (ISIS) have been spreading and praising the attack, so I thought I would defend those that were lost. The taking of innocent lives will not be tolerated. I did it for the lives lost in Orlando.”
Wachula Ghost also mentioned that ISIS may try and revive their accounts by resetting their passwords but Anonymous has them and won’t allow it to happen. In addition, all of the hacked accounts were renamed and are now known as “Jacked by a Ghost” and they have been linked over to the CIA’s website.
“Daesh (ISIS) uses social media as a Mega Horn to spread their propaganda and fear and our goal has been to take that away from them. Many of our group (Anonymous) are Muslim and we respect all religions that do not take innocent lives,” The Ghost said. “Our actions are directed at the Jihadist extremists. By taking their accounts and replacing their images and tweeting from those accounts, we are taking that fear away. Now there is a new kid in the sandbox and we aren’t playing nice.”